I was perusing the internet and came across a niffty idea to quickly identify which Cat5 outlet was connected to which port on a patch panel, so, as I had the parts, I thought I’d have a go.
The principle is very easy, in the patch panel, RG45 plugs are inserted into each port, within the RG45 plug is an LED connected to pins 3 &6.
At the remote faceplate, a RG45 is plugged in which has power to pins 3 & 6 via a battery battery, the LED in the patch panel will now light, quickly identifing what is connected to what.

The parts were from ebay:
- LEDS – 100 for £2.32
- RG45 connectors – 100 for £2.95
- Battery Holder – £0.99
To make the LED plug, I first marked the Cathode of the LED so I got the polarity correct when inserted into the plug.
The next step was to flatten the LED capsule so that it fits within the cable entry of the connector.
The LED is now pushed into the connector and crimped, hot glue is then used to seal the LED in place.
The battery pack is powered by 2 x AA batteries, with a current limiting resistor terminated in the plug.
I made 24 of the LED plugs as that was the number of ports on my patch panel.