Recently bought a Icom 7100 for the additional features this radio offers, one being DStar enabled, unfortunately I’m unable to access a remote repeater, hence the BabyStar node
This is a small unit with only two physical connections required, these being power (7 Vdc to 15Vdc) and an hardwired internet connection.
When the BabyStar is first powered up it will use an available ip, and this is displayed for a few moments on the screen, typing this ip into your browser opens the BabyStar configuration and status pages.
I have setup in the Icom 7100 a repeater called BabyStar Node, I then lower the RF power of the rig to 0% and simply transmit to the BabyStar and via this, using the internet, to repeaters and reflectors worldwide with FM quality audio both ways.
The version of Firmware on the unit I bought was v1.02, shortly after v1.03 came out, you will need Hyperterminal and a programming lead to complete the update, the process quite easy as the instructions within the User Guide are really good, I found the drivers for the USB to Serial lead here.
Hyperterminal is found on older versions of Windows, such as XP, so make sure you have an old PC about!
22 May 2016 – Updated Firmware to 1.04 (I have a copy if you need it)
Updated – 19 September 2021
What’s the different between v1.02 and v1.03? I have one with v1.02 but it now fails to connect to a CCS server. Does v1.03 fix this? Is it something to do with the CCS7 changes?
And can you make it connect directly to repeaters? If so, how? I can only get mine to connect to reflectors.
thanks, Alan.
Hi Alan,
v1.03 gives you CCS7, the previous 4 digit CCS has been replaced with a 7 digit format (first three digits are the country code, the remaining 4 digits are the user id)
I’m afraid I can’t help with connecting to a repeater as I’m out of range of my nearest repeater, hence the BabyStar, so can’t tell you practically how to connect with confidence.
If your near Chatteris I can upgrade the firmware for you, takes about two minutes.
Hi, Thanks for the info. I’ll upgrade the software and see how it gets on.
Cheers Alan.
how do i change the user name and password on babynode
I’ve not set a password so have never needed to change it, looking at the manual it seems that once you have set a password that’s it, no other menu exists to change it.
The only way is to reset to factory defaults by powering on the hotspot with a jumper between pins 1 and pin 2 of the extension connector (P2).
Not a great answer but that seem to be the way to go.
Yes sorted the password issue.
Another issue i have is the baby node disconnects randomly and i have to power cycle the node for it to accept a reconnect command… i have 2 they both do this any ideas
Hi Sean,
My friends did exactly the same, I re-installed the firmware update and that substantially reduced the number of dropouts, but didn’t eliminate them all together.
Every now and then I also have to power cycle so I think its a common problem, if anyone has found a cure, please share.
Yes please, does anyone have a fix for this keep dropping out
Mine’s the same, need to power down to reset it, last firmware update was a very long time ago 🙁
Hi I have just bought a babystar node but cannot get it to link to reflectors. The node is seeing my icom 51 plus 2 and shows my welcome message but when I choose a reflector it just comes back as unlined. Can anyone help me out
I’ve not used my radio for a while but the last time I tried I also couldn’t get it to connect and I have made no configuration changes and the firmware is the latest, albeit old!
Hope someone can help Robert with the answer.
Thanks for your reply. Do you know what the CCS Server is and why it would show as off line. It’s very frustrating. If I’m reading the instructions correctly, it should be connecting.
I’m showing the same message ‘CSS OFFline’, I will ask on my local club email reflector to see if they can help.
D Star for beginners this explains the CCS function amongst other general information, doesn’t answer the query but it may help.
Did anyone manage to get theirs running? Now 2023, on8jl website gone…
Guess its a dead duck, perhaps better to look at Rasberry PI project.
I didn’t manage to get mine going after it stopped so went for the Openspot 3 at the time, I’m trying to retrieve the firmware file for the Babystar and will send it to you once I’ve managed it, (New HDD reader on order from Amazon).
Update – I’ve emailed you the file.
I ditched mine a long time ago and moved to Pistar on a raspberry pi, never looked back. Every digital mode available plus cross mode, if you have a pi already it’s a very cheap and simple way to go with an MMDVM board costing between £25-30.
Thanks for the heads up, I went with an Openspot3 for ease, but I’ll certainly look into the pi.