Pulsar Evolution 800 UPS Repair

I have had an MGE Pulsar Evolution 800 Uninteruptable power Supply for about 8 years through which my computer and other sensitive kit is fed and I serviced it with new batteries in January 17.

This UPS delivers 800VA or 520 Watts (Calculator for Watts/VA HERE.) and is at 67% loading when in use, giving a back up time of 9m 35s, which is more than adequate for my needs.

In early February the UPS stopped working completely, no output or indication of power in, the one I have cost £10 second hand off eBay so I couldn’t complain when it stopped working.


Before looking for another replacement, I opened it up the check for the obvious, such as internal fuses blown or PCB track damage, looking  near the power regulator stage I noticed a bulging capacitor which is a sure sign that it has failed.


Mother Board

PCB caps
Bulging Capacitors

Everything else passed a visual inspection, so I bought a pack of 5x 10uF 450v 105c capacitors from eBay for £1.59.

After changing the capacitors, I measured the old capacitors and they had both failed as the meter should be displaying 9.5uF to 10.5uF.

Cap meter
Faulty capacitors

UPS front panel

Once reassembled, I powering up the UPS after inserting the batteries, the UPS kicked in to self-test mode and was working 🙂

Everything is back in place working and I have software monitoring its performance and everything is looking good so far.

A copy of the Pulsar Evolution 800 manual is HERE.

Solution Pac software for the UPS can be downloaded from HERE.

Software dashboard

Software options

6 thoughts on “Pulsar Evolution 800 UPS Repair”

  1. Hi,
    found this page searching with google for “pulsar evelution 800 software” However the link above to Solution Pac software at eaton.com is not working anymore. Is there another place i can download the software?

    Kind regards,

  2. Thanks for your post mate. I work in the metro system of a major european city and we have hundreds of these UPS’es decomissioned, many with replaced batteries, and I will be working on getting them all working and happy again. I can take home as many as I want due to the fact that they are classified as scrap taking up our office space. I can confirm your software works even still on Windows 11. 🙂 I have about 5 fully working units and 3 non working units and there are about 400 of them in our network.

  3. Hi Steve,

    Glad to be of help, they are a great UPS and still hold a decent resale price and with 400 of them, that’s a nice bonus 🙂

  4. Hello,
    I got an ups pulsar evolution 800VA.
    I have a question about its “normal” operation (when connected to mains voltage). Indeed, the fan of my ups starts spinning at full speed for about twenty seconds, then stops for about ten minutes.
    Do you have this behavior on your ups?

  5. Hi,

    Unfortunately I can’t help as I sold the Evolution UPS to buy a larger UPS and cant remember how it used to operate.


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