I have had the SG-237 for nearly 5 years and it has worked perfectly matching my random length wire across the bands, due to changes to the garden, I had to power down the SG-237 for a few weeks, on powering up, nothing would tune.
Checking current to the tuner showed that no power was being drawn, so off came the lid, and out came the voltmeter.
Tracing 12v through the circuit, it appeared their was a break between jumper J5 and the fuse holder, (the 2A fuse was in tact), but I couldn’t see any damage to the PCB tracks.

The reply from the SGC support ticket was within two days and their tech support said this was a very unusual fault and bridging from J5 to the base of the fuse holder was fine.
I can only deduce that the track link is made within one of the layers of the multi layer PCB, I did try and re float all the relevant solder connections, but this didn’t work unfortunately.
In the end, I soldered a link from the diode, bypassing J5 as I’ll never remove the link to the fuse holder, this link now removes another future point of failure and everything works just fine 🙂
Bom dia. Tenho um SG 237 há muitos anos, sĂł hoje que liguei-o no radio Ten Tec Pegassus 550…..e para minha surpresa, ele acionou todos os RelĂ©s… nĂŁo funciona e acopla….. revisei tudo e aparentemente tudo esta perfeito.
AlguĂ©m poderia me ajudar…..o que estou fazendo de errado.
Paulo/py5nk – Arapongas – Paraná – Brasil
Good Morning. I’ve had an SG 237 for many years, just today I connected it to the Ten Tec Pegassus 550 radio…..and to my surprise, it activated all the Relays… it doesn’t work and engages….. I checked everything and apparently everything is perfect.
Could someone help me…..what am I doing wrong.
Paulo/py5nk – Arapongas – Paraná – Brazil
oi paulo
Infelizmente, nĂŁo sei a resposta, mas outros podem contribuir.
A única coisa que encontrei é um pdf de localização de falhas técnicas aqui: https://sgcworld.com/Publications/Downloads/troubleshoot.pdf
Espero que vocĂŞ resolva.
Hi Paulo
Unfortunatly I don’t know the answer, other might chip in though.
The only thing I’ve found is a Techinical Fault finding pdf here: https://sgcworld.com/Publications/Downloads/troubleshoot.pdf
Hope you get it sorted.