Running on webhost '' @ IP='' (reverse IP Name='')
Webserver OS: Linux 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
PHP Version: 8.2.18 built for Linux
PHP cmd location: /opt/cpanel/ea-php82/root/usr/bin/php
Document root: /home3/chattris/public_html
Template root: /home3/chattris/public_html
allow_url_fopen = ON
allow_url_include = off
request_order = GP
Stream support for http is available
Stream support for https is available
Streams supported: compress.bzip2, compress.zlib, data, file, ftp, ftps, glob, http, https, phar, php, zip
Socket transports: ssl, tcp, tls, tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3, udg, udp, unix
..loaded 299 version descriptors for Base-World.
..loaded 11 version descriptors for MB-plugin.
Included Settings.php time=0.001 secs.
..fetching recent version information. RC=200, bytes=136925 Data age=802324 sec 'Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:35:00 GMT' Wrote 136925 bytes to ./cache/template-version-info.txt successfully. ..loaded 894 version descriptors from ./cache/template-version-info.txt file.
Note: only selected key template files are checked with this script. Files with customary user modifications (Settings.php, Settings-weather.php, top.php, header.php, menubar.php, footer.php, most wx...php files, etc.) and graphics and weather tags files are NOT checked as they either do not contain version information or they are expected to be different from the distribution versions due to normal website customization.
The Recommend column indicates how the file should be handled. Mouse over a recommendation line to see additional information in a tooltip.
Script Origin | Script Name | Installed Script Version Status | Recommend | Release Script Version | Installed Script Version | Installed Script Internal Version Description |
Common | ajax-dashboard.php | Current | V1.34 - 2023-04-03 | V1.34 - 2023-04-03 | ajax-dashboard.php - Version 1.34 - 03-Apr-2023 - Multilingual | |
Common | ajax-gizmo.php | Current | V1.15 - 2022-12-27 | V1.15 - 2022-12-27 | ajax-gizmo.php V1.15 - 27-Dec-2022 - Multilingual | |
MB-plugin | ajaxMBwx.js | Current | V4.04 - 2023-06-20 | V4.04 - 2023-06-20 | 4.04 - 20-Jun-2023 -- additional variables added by for MB-trends-inc | |
World | AW-forecast-lang.php | Current | V1.00 - 2020-04-10 | V1.00 - 2020-04-10 | 1.00 - 10-Apr-2020 - initial release (based on gen-DSlang.php V1.06 23-Jan-2019 | |
World | AW-forecast.php | Current | V1.03 - 2022-12-27 | V1.03 - 2022-12-27 | AW-forecast.php (ML) Version 1.03 - 27-Dec-2022 | |
Common | check-fetch-times.php | Current | V1.57 - 2024-08-28 | V1.57 - 2024-08-28 | check-fetch-times.php Version 1.57 - 28-Aug-2024 | |
Common | common.php | Current | V1.14 - 2022-12-27 | V1.14 - 2022-12-27 | common.php - Version 1.14 - 27-Dec-2022 | |
MB-plugin | conds.php | Current | V1.09 - 2023-06-20 | V1.09 - 2023-06-20 | conds.php Version 1.09 - 20-Jun-2023 | |
Common | flyout-menu.php | Current | V1.10 - 2022-12-27 | V1.10 - 2022-12-27 | flyout-menu.php (ML) Version 1.10 - 27-Dec-2022 | |
MB-plugin | gen-MBtags.php | Installed version is more recent | * | V1.05 - 2023-06-20 | V1.06 - 2023-07-03 | gen-MBtags.php - V1.06 - 03-Jul-2023 |
Common | get-metar-conditions-inc.php | Current | V1.22 - 2024-03-08 | V1.22 - 2024-03-08 | get-metar-conditions-inc.php - Version 1.22 - 08-Mar-2024 | |
World | get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php | Current | V3.16 - 2023-03-08 | V3.16 - 2023-03-08 | get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php - V3.16 - 08-Mar-2023 | |
Common | get-USNO-sunmoon.php | Current | V4.00 - 2024-09-16 | V4.00 - 2024-09-16 | get-USNO-sunmoon.php - Version 4.00 - 16-Sep-2024 | |
Common | get-UV-forecast-inc.php | Current | V1.09 - 2021-02-12 | V1.09 - 2021-02-12 | get-UV-forecast-inc.php V1.09 - 12-Feb-2021 | |
Common | include-metar-display.php | Current | V1.08 - 2024-03-08 | V1.08 - 2024-03-08 | include-metar-display.php - Version 1.08 - 08-Mar-2024 | |
Common | include-style-switcher.php | Current | V1.21 - 2021-11-29 | V1.21 - 2021-11-29 | 1.21 - 29-Nov-2021 - add SameSite=Lax to all cookies | |
Common | include-wxstatus.php | Current | V1.13 - 2022-01-18 | V1.13 - 2022-01-18 | 1.13 - 18-Jan-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.1 errata | |
MB-plugin | MB-defs.php | Installed version is more recent | * | V1.07 - 2023-06-20 | V1.08 - 2023-07-05 | MB-defs.php - V1.08 - 05-Jul-2023 - added checking or MB PRO to some displays |
MB-plugin | MB-trends-inc.php | Current | V1.10 - 2023-06-20 | V1.10 - 2023-06-20 | 1.10 - 20-Jun-2023 - additional variables added by for MB-trends-inc | |
MB-plugin | MBrealtime-template.txt | Current | Vn/a - 2013-06-04 | Vn/a - n/a | (not specified) | |
MB-plugin | MBtags-template.txt | Installed version is more recent | * | V1.05 - 2023-06-20 | V1.06 - 2023-07-05 | 1.06 - 05-Jul-2023 - changed delta to avg for 2hr-24hr trends displays |
World | meteoalarm-codenames.json | Current | V1.04 - 2023-10-21 | V1.04 - 2023-10-21 | 1.04- 21-Oct-2023", | |
World | meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php | Current | V1.02 - 2023-10-19 | V1.02 - 2023-10-19 | 1.02 - 19-Oct-2023 - updates from | |
World | OWM-forecast-lang.php | Current | V1.08 - 2023-08-07 | V1.08 - 2023-08-07 | 1.08 - 07-Aug-2023 - added corrections for Dutch translation | |
World | OWM-forecast.php | Current | V2.02 - 2023-03-06 | V2.02 - 2023-03-06 | OWM-forecast.php (ML) Version 2.02 - 06-Mar-2023 | |
Common | plaintext-parser-data.txt | Current | V1.06 - 2011-01-01 | V1.06 - 2011-01-01 | 1.06 - 01-Jan-2011 | |
Common | plaintext-parser.php | Current | V1.31 - 2018-11-30 | V1.31 - 2018-11-30 | plaintext-parser.php Version 1.31 - 30-Nov-2018 | |
World | PW-forecast-lang.php | Current | V1.08 - 2023-08-07 | V1.08 - 2023-08-07 | 1.08 - 07-Aug-2023 - added corrections for Dutch translation | |
World | PW-forecast.php | Current | V2.52 - 2023-02-24 | V2.52 - 2023-02-24 | PW-forecast.php (ML) Version 2.52 - 24-Feb-2023 | |
Common | quake-json.css | Current | V3.00 - 2019-05-13 | V3.00 - 2019-05-13 | 3.00 - 13-May-2019 - added esri markups needed | |
Common | quake-json.js | Current | V1.01 - 2020-07-07 | V1.01 - 2020-07-07 | 1.01 - 07-Jul-2020 - fixed window.onload issue with sorttable V2 | |
Common | quake-json.php | Current | V3.03 - 2020-06-30 | V3.03 - 2020-06-30 | quake-json.php V3.03 - 30-Jun-2020 | |
World | quake-UK.php | Current | V1.08 - 2023-07-15 | V1.08 - 2023-07-15 | quake-UK.php V1.08 - 15-Jul-2023 | |
World | Settings-language.php | Current | V1.00 - 2011-11-17 | V1.00 - 2011-11-17 | 1.00 - 17-Nov-2011 - initial release w/ lang=he included | |
Common | sunposa-lang.php | Current | V1.03 - 2024-09-25 | V1.03 - 2024-09-25 | 1.03 - 25-Sep-2024 - minor Norwegian update | |
Common | sunposa.php | Current | V3.70 - 2024-12-14 | V3.70 - 2024-12-14 | sunposa.php Version 3.70 - 14-Dec-2024 | |
Common | thermometer.php | Current | V1.19 - 2022-12-27 | V1.19 - 2022-12-27 | 1.19 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2 | |
World | VC-forecast-lang.php | Current | V1.08 - 2023-08-06 | V1.08 - 2023-08-06 | 1.08 - 06-Aug-2023 - added corrections for Dutch translation | |
World | VC-forecast.php | Current | V2.02 - 2023-02-23 | V2.02 - 2023-02-23 | VC-forecast.php (ML) Version 2.02 - 23-Feb-2023 | |
World | WC-forecast.php | Current | V1.05 - 2021-01-01 | V1.05 - 2021-01-01 | WC-forecast.php (ML) Version 1.05 - 01-Jan-2021 | |
Common | wxforecast.php | Current | V1.09 - 2023-05-18 | V1.09 - 2023-05-18 | 1.09 - 18-May-2023 - added styling for EC 'advisory' alert | |
Common | wxgraphs.php | Current | V1.07 - 2021-05-14 | V1.07 - 2021-05-14 | 1.07 - 14-May-2021 - added WeeWX graphs support | |
Common | wxmetar.php | Current | V1.01 - 2011-11-27 | V1.01 - 2011-11-27 | 1.01 - 27-Nov-2011 - display 'Distance to station' mods | |
Common | wxquake.php | Current | V3.00 - 2019-11-13 | V3.00 - 2019-11-13 | 3.00 - 13-Nov-2019 - generalized for optional dislay of faults/tectonic plates from multiple sources |
PHP Version 8.2.18 Memory post_max_size 516M bytes. Memory usage 1485104 bytes. Memory peak usage 1821608 bytes.