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Meteotemplate Removed

28 May 2024 - Had to remove Meteotemplate due to a redirect script to less than savory web sites.

Legacy News

4 March 2017 web site now SSL secured.

16 January 2017, PC switched off, running on Meteobridge Pro only, see > Station Info > Station Config for further details

22 July 2017, installed 7346-174 improved accuracy temperature and humidity sensor.

19 Nov 2017, installed Davis 6410 anemometer due to failure.

30 March 2021,Replaced Aspirating Fan - Nocura Computer fan failed after a year, cheap PC fan fitted to see how long that lasts.

16 February 2022, Moved from GoDaddy to Hostgator as the costs for a hobby site were getting out of hand.

9 Novemeber - 14 November 23, Site extremely slow loading, Ken True who is a genius, solved it for me :-).