
Data Quality Comparison for Chatteris, UK

CWOP ID - D3371

For summary information including location and analysis, please see D3371 Summary.

The following charts allow an historical comparison of Chatteris Weathers sensor accuracy to be made, the comparisons are based on readings from weather stations within 20 miles of Chatteris. Stations beginning with 'E', are airfields (Military or Civilian), these only upload data when the airfield is in use, therefore breaks in data provision is to be expected.

Status of airfields can be checked Here.

Chatteris Weather is a proud member of the Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP). The charts represent data reported to CWOP for Chatteris, UK (D3371 actuals in light blue) with the additional comparison traces from local weather stations.

Data Quality:
The comparison stations are:

Barometric Pressure


Dew Point

Relative Humidity

Wind speed and direction

The Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) is a private-public partnership with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Its three main goals: 1) to collect weather data contributed by citizens; 2) to make these data available for weather services; and 3) to provide feedback to the data contributors so that they have the tools to check and improve their data quality.

Many thanks go to Phillip Gladstone at CWOP for providing this service to amateur weather observers.

Link to CWOP chart source.