Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

This website uses Meteobridge (6.0 build 15434 CARAMBOLA2) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 20161214183933.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
22/02/2025 05:39
Meteobridge realtime Current 0:00:33 22/02/2025 05:38
Meteobridge FTP Current 0:00:38 22/02/2025 05:38
Meteobridge weather data Current 0:00:40 22/02/2025 05:38

Meteobridge Pro uptime: 2 months 16 days 14 hours 58 minutes 6 seconds

 Meteobridge Pro Dashboard

 FTP Upload Status

 The current data and time is: 22/02/25 05:39:09 GMT

The File Transfer Protocol upload status table is used to monitor specific files for performance scrutiny, the upload times confirm receipt (or not) at the server from Meteobridge Pro, the table is used for the monitoring of server based scheduled activities essential for the efficient operation of Chatteris Weather.

Uploaded FileUpload FrequencyLast UploadTime Since Upload
Clientraw<60 seconds22/02/25 05:39:04 GMT5 sec
Flatline-Status.txtx minutes22/02/25 05:36:28 GMT2.7 min

FTP Upload Status script credited to Castlerock Weather.

Generated by Meteobridge (6.0 build 15434 CARAMBOLA2)