
Nearby METAR Reports

METAR (Meteorological Aerodrome Report) are Airport generated local weather condition reports for use, predominantly by pilots, these reports are also used as part of compliment of data sets required for Chatteris Weathers prediction software - WxSim.

EGUN - Mildenhall Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ESE 19mi, 31km
Updated: 22/02/2025 04:58
Light rain, Mist, Overcast
Light rain, Mist, Overcast
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 5 mph, 7 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 9°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1006.8 hPa
Summary: Light rain, Mist
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 5 miles, 8 km
Cloud details: Overcast 1341 m
2025/02/22 04:58 EGUN 220458Z 21004KT 8000 -RA BR OVC044 10/09 A2973 RMK AO2A SLP071 P0001 60009 T01010089 10128 20101 53002 $
EGSC - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Distance from station: SSE 20mi, 32km
Updated: 21/02/2025 17:50
NOT Current
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
 Wind from S
Wind: S 22 mph, 35 km/h
Temperature: 14°C
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 77%
Barometer: 1006 hPa
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 579 m
2025/02/21 17:50 EGSC 211750Z 19019KT 9999 SCT019 14/10 Q1006
EGUL - Lakenheath Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: E 22mi, 36km
Updated: 22/02/2025 05:05
 Wind from S
Wind: S 3 mph, 6 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 88%
Barometer: 1006.8 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
2025/02/22 05:05 EGUL 220505Z AUTO 18003KT 9999 CLR 10/08 A2973 RMK AO2 RAE05 SLP071 $
EGXT - Wittering Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: WNW 24mi, 38km
Updated: 22/02/2025 04:50
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 7 mph, 11 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1006 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 3962 m
2025/02/22 04:50 EGXT 220450Z AUTO 21006KT 9999 BKN130/// 09/08 Q1006
EGYH - Holbeach (aut), United Kingdom
Distance from station: N 27mi, 44km
Updated: 22/02/2025 04:50
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 12 mph, 19 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1006 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 914 m
Mostly cloudy 1128 m
2025/02/22 04:50 EGYH 220450Z AUTO 21010KT 9999 FEW030/// BKN037/// 10/09 Q1006
EGSS - Stansted Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: SE 11mi, 18km
Updated: 22/02/2025 05:20
Light drizzle, Overcast
Light drizzle, Overcast
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 6 mph, 9 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 9°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1008 hPa
Summary: Light Drizzle
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 2 miles, 4 km
Cloud details: Overcast 91 m
2025/02/22 05:20 EGSS 220520Z AUTO 20005KT 4000 -DZ OVC003 10/09 Q1008
EGGW - Luton Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: WSW 19mi, 31km
Updated: 22/02/2025 05:20
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 6 mph, 9 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1007 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 457 m
Mostly cloudy 671 m
Mostly cloudy 1250 m
2025/02/22 05:20 EGGW 220520Z AUTO 22005KT 9999 SCT015 BKN022 BKN041 09/09 Q1007
EGLL - London/Heathrow, United Kingdom
Distance from station: SSW 41mi, 66km
Updated: 22/02/2025 04:50
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 5 mph, 7 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 9°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1008 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 305 m
Mostly cloudy 640 m
2025/02/22 04:50 EGLL 220450Z AUTO 20004KT 9999 FEW010 BKN021 10/09 Q1008 NOSIG
EGKK - London/Gatwick A, United Kingdom
Distance from station: S 60mi, 97km
Updated: 22/02/2025 05:20
Light rain, Mostly cloudy
Light rain, Mostly cloudy
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 6 mph, 9 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 9°C
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1008 hPa
Summary: Light rain
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 9 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 152 m
2025/02/22 05:20 EGKK 220520Z 22005KT 9000 -RA BKN005 10/10 Q1008
EGUY - Wyton Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: SW 11mi, 18km
Updated: 04/10/2015 09:50
NOT Current
Haze, Clear
Haze, Clear
 Wind from SSE
Wind: SSE 2 mph, 4 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 77%
Barometer: 1014 hPa
Summary: Haze
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 4 miles, 6 km
2015/10/04 08:50 EGUY 040850Z 15002KT 6000 HZ SKC 11/07 Q1014 WHT

Met Office METAR data link, decoding METAR data code.